April 2025

“IMPOSTORS AND PONIES” by Timo Jacobs, Berlin Premiere at the achtung Berlin Film Festival. April 8th at 5:30 PM at Babylon Berlin-Mitte and on April 9th at 8:30 PM at Babylon Mitte.

March 2025

“IMPOSTERS AND PONIES” by Timo Jacobs, NEWS: We´re Happy to announce, our film will be at the Santa Monica Filmfestival, March 15th. at the achtung Berlin Film Festival, April 2.nd – 9th, and at the Montreal Independet Filmfetsival, June 21th 2025.

Februar 2025

Prep EFM Berlinale

January 2025

„MONSTER ON A PLANE“ January 17th. 2025, at Festival du Film de Comédie de lAlpe dHuez, FR. Midnight Movie. Festival du Film de Comédie de l’Alpe d’Huez

From January 16th, “MONSTER ON A PLANE” is available on Amazon, AppleTV, Googleplay and other streaming platforms.

December 2024

Dear friends and colleagues, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, we’re looking forward to new projects in 2025.

“IMPOSTERS AND PONIES” by Timo Jacobs, 1. Review at Cineropa, thanks very much Katrin Bichler.

November 2024

Theatrical release “MONSTER ON A PLANE from November 7th at UCI +Cineplex Germany

“MONSTER ON A PLANE” at Trieste Science+ Fiction Film Festival Screening on October Midnight Movie

October 2024

“IMPOSTERS AND PONIES” (Hochstabler und Ponies) D/IS/USA 2024 – 98 Min tragiccomedy by Timo Jacobs, in competition at 58. Hofer Filmtage , October 22th-27th. Screening: Friday, October, 25th 5:45 PM, Cinema 6, Saturday, October 26th Scala 1, Sunday October 27th, Cinema 1. Nominated: “Förderpreis Neues Deutsches Kino”.

“MONSTER ON A PLANE“ at Sitges Film Festival, Screening: October 5th. , 09 PM, @ Sala Llevant (Section Brigadoon)

September 2024

“MONSTER ON A PLANE“ by Ezra Tsegaye is slected @ SITGES – Festival de Cinema Fantàstic de Catalunya, from 3rd- 13th. October 2024. Number One Horror Film Festival. (yeehaw)

Start shooting: “Keep Your Secret“ (Horror Thriller) Director: Kristina Schippling, Co-Director: Ezra Tsegaye, Cast: Isabel Dornheim, Anamika Datta, Anton Feiste, Arne- Carlos Böttcher. Sirona Production and Riot City Entertainment.(CF)

August 2024

Happy Holidays

July 2024

“When Susan Sontag was sitting in the audience” by RP Kahl from July 25th on VOD. Amazon und ITunes, Cast: Saralisa Volm, Luise Helm, Heike Melba Fendel, Céline Yildirim, Sonja Hilberger, Kerstin Warncke, Cynthia Buchheim, Stefanie Schuster. Dop: Christoph Gampl

Berlin Short Film Festival presents: „White Rabbits“ -in a world without music-
by Shehab Gamal, Berlin Short Film Festival 19th July, 6 pm Babylon Kino- Mitte Produktion: Cornelsen Films.

„Monster on a Plane” landed at BUSCH MEDIA Group (german speaking Europe) .

June 2024

Still out: „Aphasie” a Film about relationship”, von Dominik Balkow, Cast: André Lewski,, SandratTirre, Hannah Prasse and Heiko Pinkowski bei Amazon Prime, Itunes Apple, Google Play, un Microsoft Store, (FSK16) Production: Cornelsen Films.
“Arboretum” Horror- Feature von Julian Richberg mit Anna Jung, Oskar Böckelmann, Niklas Doddo, u.a. on Amazon Prime (freevee), Production: Stadtfuchs und Cornelsen Films. “Benches of Berlin” by Timo Jacobs. Mini-Series( 5×22). A man wanders around Berlin looking for insights; artists in times of crisis and their personal views. In conversations with people who are more or less in the public eye, the film sets out in search of common discussions and ways out of the Corona crisis. On ARD PLUS

May 2024

Exiting News: Minerva Pictures picked “MONSTER ON A PLANE” for World Sales @ Marché du Film, Cannes.

April 2024

“MonTER ON A PLANE“ @ Horrorant Filmfestival Athens, April, Winner: Best Special Effects

TER ON A PLANE”by Ezra Tsegaye @Brüssel International Fantasy Film Festival, World Premiere: at April, 19th, 11:59 PM, Cine 2, Midnight Movie.

Out now: our Argentinian – German Co- Produktion: „Sangre“ by Juan Schnittman now on Apple TV, Magenta, Videoload, Amazon Prime und Maxdome.

Out Now: April 2nd, 2024, “Aphasie” by Dominik Balkow, is on: ITunes, Amazon, Google Play, Microsoft Store, available.

March 2024

Excited to announce our Creature Feature, “Monster on a TER ON A PLANE by Ezra Tsegaye, will be part of the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival (BIFFF), where our movie will have its world premiere. 
Be sure to check out the trailer (Explicit content warning

“Kia and Cosmos“ by Sudipto Roy, your Indian/German Featurefilm co-production is free to watch on YouTube.

Kia is a 15 year old autistic girl. She has a soft spot for the colour red, music, maths and spy novels. Her single mum, who struggles with society, her job and the loss of her youth, thinks Kia’s passion for investigation is ridiculous. Kia, however, loves to immerse herself in other worlds. Her only supportive friends are Rabi, the rickshaw driver, and Souvik, her teacher from school. When the neighbour’s pregnant cat Comos is suddenly killed, Kia sets out to find the potential murderer. Language: English/ Bengali with subs. Produktion: Ava Filmproduction/ Cornelsen Films.

March, 29th Release of “Aphasia“ by Dominik Balkow on: iTunes, Amazon, Google und Microsoft.

February 2024

Prep EFM Berlinale – “Monster on a Plane” by Ezra Tsegaye on Sale. Riot City Entertainment in association with Cornelsen Films.

January 2024

Hello 2024, all the Best

December 2023

We are happy to anounce UCM One Home Entertainment will distribute our Film DIGITAL LIFE. Script and Directed by Malte Witz, Cast: Gerrit Neuhaus, Judith Shoemaker, Aliah-Alec Rosenthal, Julia Keller Holger Bülow Assistenz: Ulrich Faßnacht // Unfiltered Artists, Co-Producer: Cornelsen Films // Tagesspiegel #Zogma#zoom#dogma Goethe-Institut Toronto (Tagesspiegel)

November 2023

On November 7th. at 8PM. Zoo Palast Berlin, Timo Jacobs and Peter Zander (Berliner Morgenpost) “Over a year, from April 2020 to March 2021, five episodes of 20 minutes each were created, which are already a contemporary document, “BENCHES OF BERLIN“.

Our director Ezra Tsegaye in an interview in “Welt” about Genre Films and our Film “Monster on a Plane”.

October 2023

“Arboretum” by Julian Richberg,
Cast: Oskar Bökelmann, Niklas Doddo, Anna Jung, Volker Figge, u.a.
Still on: Googleplay, Magenta, Microsoft Store, You Tube, Videobuster, Maxdome, Amazon, AppleTV.

Production: Stadtfuchs und Cornelsen Films
Verleih: Meteor Film

September 2023

“Monster on a Plane” by Ezra Tsegaye, Teaser# 1, Riot City Entertainment in association with Cornelsen Films.


August 2023

“Only One Night in Tel Aviv” by Malte Witz will be secreened at August 25th 08:00 PM. Soho House Berlin

July 2023

Member of Short Film Jury 2023 at TV Series Festival Berlin (11.-13. July 2023)

June 2023

Prep for Seriencamp Conference in Cologne

Cooperation/ Co – Produktion mit Malte Wirtz und “Digital Live” und “Only One Night in Tel Aviv”

May 2023

Finished shooting “Monster on a Plane” by Ezra Tsegaye, Riot City Entertainment in association with Cornelsen Films.

Filmfestival de Cannes

March 2023

Thank you, Heinrich Böll Foundation, “16 Women from Teheran” documentary by Bahar Ebrahim, runs March 23 at Heinrich Böll Foundation, Schumannstr. 8, 10117 Berlin, tickets:

“16 Women from Teheran” by Bahar Ebrahim will be screened on International Women’s Day, March 8th at 19h in the Scala Cinema in Lüneburg.

“Beauty of the Crisis” (Benches of Berlin) by Timo Jacobs, now at the absolute novelty to the permanent state. The existential documentary series “BENCHES OF BERLIN: Die Schönheit der Krise” explores the current crisis period and asks artists* questions. Where do we stand? Where do we want to go? What do we want to achieve and why do we want it? What drives us? In conversations, host Timo Jacobs seeks ways out of the crisis of standstill in joint discussion. Directed by Timo Jacobs, camera and sound by Max Bertani and Gaia Arellano / edited by Dominik Hermanns / sound design by Christian Chrilli Wilmes /produced by Timo Jacobs, Christopher Cornelsen, Jacobs Productions/ Cornelsen Films.

With: Meret Becker / Anne Ratte Polle / Luise von Finckh / Natalia Avelon / Anna- Maria Nemetz / Friedrich Liechtenstein / Miron Zownir / Werner Daehn / Malakoff Kowalski / LLewellyn Reichman / Buddah Khan / Rike Schmid / Mario Irrek / Neven Pilipović / Dieter Landuris / Thomas Arnold / Jobst Langhans / Christian Ahlers / Prodromos Antoniadis / Kiddy Citny Cem Corci Yazi uvm Benches of Berlin – Beauty of Crisis Claudia Fehrenbach ARD Audiothek.

February 2023

Shooting for Timo Jacobs new Featurefilm “Bonds Daughter” is finished.

Prep for Rabbits“WHITE RABBITS” by Shehab Gamal.

Januar 2023

“APHASIA” by Dominik Balkow at Max- Ophuels Preis, screenings on January 28. Cinema: camera 2-8pm and 29.

at Cinestar3- 12am.

“16 Women from Teheran/16 Zan” Documentary from Bahar Ebrahim will be on Screen 8th. January, 5 pm. January at Cineplex Münster.

December 2022

After successfully Premier at 56. Hofer Filmtage, “APHASIA“ by Dominic Balkow is on the watch list at 44. Max Ophüls Preis, screening on 29th and 30th in Saarbrücken.

Prep of „White Rabbits“ by Shehab Gamal.

“16 Women from Tehran/ 16 Zan” our documentary on 02.12.22 at 7pm, at Kino 3001, Hamburg- Schanze, with director Bahar Ebrahim in attendance.

Our documentary series Benches of Berlin by Timo Jacobs starts on 09.12.22 as a long film version on: Itunes, Amazon, Google and Microsoft. (With Meret Becker, Kiddy Citny, Friedrich Liechtenstein, Steve Morell, Miron Zownir, Anne Ratte Polle, Katy Karrenbauer, Natalia Avelon, Julia Dietze, Malakoff Kowalski, Daniel Zillmann, Luise von Finckh, King Khan, Dieter Landuris, Prodromos, Maxim Biller, Robert Alan Packard and many more).

“White Rabbits” (short) by Shehab Gamal (Shooting)

November 2022

Teaser: Street Ghosts by Wesley Howard

Production Cornelsen Films and 4 Corners

October 2022

Our Featurefilm “APHASIA” is in Competition at International Hofer Filmtagen.

Screenings: 10/24. 17:30h Regina, 10/25. 22.30h Zentral 6,. 10/29. 12.30h Central 3.

APHASIE Hof Teaser

August 2022

“APHASIE” TEASER: Cast: Hannah Prasse, Sandre Tirre, André Lewski und Heiko Pinkowski.

Director: Dominik Balkow, DOP: Anne Lindemann, Producer: Christopher Cornelsen.

“16 Women” by Bahar Ebrahim, won this award at Docs without Borders Film Festival: Thank you

July 2022

We are very pleased to announce that Under Spanish Skies by Nathan Buck will be having its NYC premiere at Monday, August 8 @ 15:30 108-22 Queens Blvd, Queens, NY 11375
The Regal UA Midway Cinema, nominated for Best Narrative Feature and Best Ensemble.
Indie Rights Movies 

Street Ghosts by Wesley Howard- Teaser shoot

16 Women (2018-2022) by Bahar Ebrahim in Official Selection “Docs without Borders” Film Festival.

Soundwood Media will distribute our “Benches of Berlin” Docu- Series by Timo Jacobs.

Our Feature Film “Under Spanish Skies” by Nathan Buck, is now available on Amazon.

June 2022

We’re developing new Genre Ideas with several directors.

“Aphasie” by Dominik Balkow is almost completed.

May 2022

“Als Susan Sontag im Publikum saß” – When Susan Sontag was sitting in the Audience – featured today in The Hollywood Reporter!Day One – Cannes Daily – The Hollywood Reporter. Great cover and also a cover story about the Internationales Filmfest Oldenburg. Check it out here, see from page 22:

Süddeutsche online, “Als Susan Sontag im Publikum saß” (06.05.22)

April 2022

“Benches of Berlin” Premiere at Achtung Berlin Filmfestival on 24th April, at 7:45 p.m. at

Babylon Kino, Berlin- Mitte.

“When Susan Sontag was sitting in the audience” Opening-film des “Achtung Berlin Filmfestivals” on 20th April, at 8 p.m. at Kino International Berlin.

Our productions “When Susan Sontag was sitting in the audience” by RP Kahl, (Featurefilm, re-anactment) and “Benches of Berlin” by Timo Jacobs (Doku-Mini-Series) are both in competition of the Achtung Berlin Filmfestival. Thanks to StudioRPKalhl, Independent Partners, TimoJacobsProductions and Achtung Berlin Filmfestival, and many others.

Premiere of “When Susan Sontag was sitting in the audience” on 20th April, Cinema International at 8p.m.

Premiere of “Benches of Berlin” is on 24th April, Babylon- Mitte Cinema 1, at 7.45p.m.


March 2022

“When Susan Sontag sat in the audience” will be the opening Film at the achtung berlin Filmfestival on 20th of April at Cinema International.

When Susan Sontag sat in the audience– Film Promotion Tour around the International Women’s Day:
FR March 4th 2022, 19.30 Uhr, Leipzig, Lurukino auf dem Kunstareal Baumwollspinnerei Am Flügel und im Gespräch mit RK Kahl.
So, March 6th 2022, 18 Uhr, Rostock, Volkstheater, Großes Haus Unter der Schirmherrschaft der Kulturministerin von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Bettina Martin, im Anschluss Gespräch
Mo, March 7th 2022, 20 Uhr, Offenbach, FilmklubbMit zusätzlichem Filmprogramm von Studierenden der Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach
Di,March 8th 2022, 20 Uhr, Köln, Schauspiel im DepotIn Zusammenarbeit mit der Filmpalette Köln, im Anschluss Gespräch
Mi, March 9th, 19 Uhr, Düsseldorf, Bambi-KinoIn Zusammenarbeit mit dem Verlag Edition Seidelmann

Do, March 10th 2022, 20 Uhr, Zürich, Rote Fabrik Diskussionsrunde mit t.b.a.
Fr, March 11th 2022, 24 Uhr, Berlin, Videoart at Midnight im Babylon Mitte Berlin-Premiere mit Cast & Crew

February 2022

EX by George Marakakis is now in competition for the Greek Film Award- IRIS AWARD (Yeehaw)

“Benches of Berlin” – Documentary series 6X 25 minutes Timo Jacobs interviews artists and friends about the current situation. Among others, Meret Becker, Kiddy Citny, Friedrich Liechtenstein, Steve Morell, Miron Zownir, Anne Ratte Polle, Katy Karrenbauer, Natalia Avelon, Julia Dietze, Malakoff Kowalski, Daniel Zillmann, Luise von Finckh, King Khan, Dieter Landuris, Prodromos, Maxim Biller , Robert Alan Packard.

January 2022

We are happy tp announce our collaboration with Timo Jacobs and our Doku-Serial “Benches of Berlin”

Roughcut for our feature film “Aphasia” by Dominic Balkow is done (yeehaw)

December 2021

Our Feature “EX” by George Markakis is now on Pantaflix:

Dear colleagues and friends, we wish you all a Merry, Merry Christmas 2021

Stay Safe!

November 2021

Our Feature Film “EX” by George Markakis is official at the International Thessaloniki Filmfestival in competiton. Greek Premiere at the 4th.. November at 9pm at John Cassavetes Cinema.

October 2021

Our Thriller/ Featurefilm “The Last Berliner” by Gregor Erler starts at 28th of October 21, DIGTAL/ Streaming on: #Amazon #Itunes, #Google #Vodaphone, #Videoload, etc.

mipcom 11.-14.10.21 in Cannes.

September 2021

Our Film: “WHEN SUSAN SONTAG WAS SITTING IN THE AUDIENCE” by RP Kahl, will have its World-Premiere at Filmfest Oldenburg, on 17th of September 2021 at 7 pm. (yeehaw)

ACHTUNG BERLIN: “ABORETUM” by Julian Richberg, we´re happy to announce our participation at ACHTUNG BERLIN Filmfestival, ARBORETUM, will be screened at of September, 08:30 PM ACUD Kino and on of September at 10:30 PM at Babylon 2.

August 2021

“Before el Fina” by Nathan Buck Trailer ready

July 2021

“Before el Fina” (Feature Film) by Nathan Buck is completed- Bearlift Films in Association with Cornelsen Films.

June 2021

US Presse/ Variety/ “Ex- THE MOVIE” von George Markakis in Cannes / Produktion Christopher Cornelsen, George Markakis.–kxPwHlBGd2YdvC8A2kSqBrYyDGPSGs1QpQPPPQ

Teaser shooting for “Zombi Spa”© (Horror- Comedy) Cast: Lukas Strobel, Corinna Bergmann, Dir. Til Obladen, DoP: Johannes Richter, Production Cornelsen Films/ filmingB.

May 2021

We´re happy to announce our collaboration with filmingB, and our Serial “Zombi Spa”©

Principal Photography for “Aphasia” by Domink Balkow has started.

April 2021

We´re happy to announce our collaboration with Dominik Balkow, for his 2nd. Feature Film “Aphasia” starts shooting in May.

Cornelsen Films developements and plans for summer 21, a anthology mini-series, a horror- comedy show and a Feature Film (diversity).

March 2021

We´re happy to announce our collaboration with Bearliftfilms, and: “Before el Fina” by Nathan Buck (Feature Film)

European Film Market -online

February 2021

prep. for the Europen Film Market

our Feature Film “EX” by George Markakis will be presented at the EFM by the Greek Film Center.

January 2021

Our Film #Cafe2022 by Sudipto Roy was at the 13th  Jaipur Film Festival,

in the category of International Competition for Short Films.

And we won: THE BEST EDITOR- Pabrita Jana and, THE BEST ACTRESS- Madhurima Ghosh.…

December 2020

Dear Collegues and Friends, we wish you a Happy and wonderfull 2021

November 2020

#cafe2022 by Sudipto Roy is in competition at Jaipour Filmfestivals (JIFF) 2021

October 2020

World Premiere of our Featurefilm “Sangre” on 9th October 2020 in Japan

World Premiere of our Featurefilm “Arboretum” by Julian Richberg
will be the opening Film at the Horror Molins Filmfestival/ Spain on 31th November 2020.…/terrormolins-2020-secc…/
DOP: Elias C. J. Köhler
Production: Stadtfuchs, Cornelsen Films

  • Pressrelease: October29,2020The has been cancelled and postponed to 2021

“Ex- The Movie” by George Markakis will have its World Premiere at the Geneva international Filmfestival GIFF (yeehaw)

Antalya Filmfestival -online- 3rd- 10th of October

online Meetings

September 2020

prep for Venice Filmfestival – online – 3rd- 9th September

Gap financing Market

August 2020

“DER LETZTE MIETER”/ “The last Berliner”, more Cities, more Cinemas coming from 20th of August: Berlin, Stuttgart, Köln, Düsseldorf, Nürnberg, Mülheim a. d. Ruhr, Mannheim, Neu-Ulm, Solingen, Düren, Osnabrück, Flensburg, Lünen, Salzgitter, Bergen auf Rügen, Kamp-Lintfort, Vilsbiburg, Bückeburg, Neufahrn und Erkner. Brandnew at Café Grenzbereiche Platenlaase in Jameln. Save the Date for Open Air Event at Berliner FREILUFTKINO HASENHEIDE on 27th of August and at Cinema im Ostertor in Bremen and in Munich im Neues Rottmann Kino starting on 27th of August.

13th of August our gentrification Thriller “DER LETZTE MIETER” (The Last Berliner) will have its theatrical release all over Germany!

July 2020

Diversity is not a Trend, its the future

cornelsen films is developing Featurefilms and serials with new content.

June 2020


Invitation or Request (accreditation only) Monday 22nd June 2020 18:30h online Screening #Riviera 4 Cannes Filmfestival online

The Last Berliner” NEW Release Date:

13th August 2020 allover Germany

“#Cafe 2022” is now in postproduction

May 2020

postponement of the Cannes Filmfestival to July

preparing a shootig with our Indian director Sudipto Roy for

“#Cafe 2022” featuring Madhurima Gosh

April 2020

SANGRE – Trailer (2020)

Fernando, a 38-year-old naval officer, works on on oil tanker that connects two large Argentinean cities. He has a young girlfriend in one city and an affair with a married woman in the other. When both become pregnant, his double life begins to dissolve into obsession and violence…

Thanks to fabulous Dirk Martens, and Pamela Fischer, Fischer& Partner Actors Agency Berlin

Dear Colleagues and Friends, take care and stay safe. See you soon!

For our Feature Film “EX- THE MOVIE”,
we are happy to anounce our collaboration with WIDE Distibution (Worldsales)

March 2020

Due to the Corona- Virus the theatrical release of “THE LAST BERLINER” is postponed…

“THE LAST BERLINER”  starts in Cinemas all over Germany on 26th of March!!

A new collabortaion with our Indian Director Sudipto Roy, we will co-produce a 30 Mins short in April

February 2020

EUROPEAN FILMMARKET/ Berlinale Screening
23. Februar 2020
Delfi Filmpalast, Kanststrasse 12A,10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg
Starts @ 17:00h/ 05:00 PM

Prep for Berlinale

on 26th of March our feature Film “The Last Berliner” will have its release in Theaters all over Germany.

Additional Screenings:

18.2., 18.30h, Preview SCREENING in the occation of- Berlin-LiftOff Festival
Il Kino, Nansenstraße 22, 12047 Berlin

20.2., 14.30h, Preview SCREENING in the occation of Shivers Festival
Zebra Kino Joseph-Belli-Weg 5, 78467 Konstanz

24.2., 20.00h, Preview SCREENING at Berlinale Filvestival, in the occation of Winner German Feature Films Festival. Hackeschen Höfe Kinos, Saal 1, Rosenthaler Str. 40/41, 10178 Berlin

06.03., 18.00h, Opening Film European Filmweek, Panevéžys, Litauen
Respublikos g. 40, Panevėžys 35173, Litauen

23.3., 20.00h, Preview SCREENING in collaboration with the Magazin EXBERLINER
Lichtblick-Kino, Kastanienallee 77, 10435 Berlin

!! 26.3. OFFIZIELLER KINOSTART (genaue Kinos+Termine folgen) !!

31.3., 20.00h, Screening and Q&A im Kino Union (Director+Maincast)
Bölschestraße 69, 12587 Berlin

… and more to come…


January 2020

Gregor Erler´s Debut- Featurefilm “THE LAST BERLINER” hat nach all den wunderbaren Festivalpreisen nun auch von der Filmbewertungsstelle FBW das Prädikat “Besonders Wertvoll” erhalten hat. Gerade für einen deutschen Genre-Film wahrlich keine Selbstverständlichkeit (FSK ab 16, sorry Kids 😉. Hier ein Auszug aus der Jury-Begründung:

“Der Film von Gregor Erler erzählt von einem Thema, das aktueller nicht sein kann: Gentrifizierung. Und damit vom Konflikt zwischen Gewinnmaximierung und dem Erhalt des Wohnplatzes für die dort Wohnenden. Wie ein Kammerspiel inszeniert Erler sein Ensemble, angeführt von Matthias Ziesing, der in der Rolle eines Mannes, der verzweifelt und entschlossen als „kleines Licht“ gegen „die da oben“ kämpft, mit seiner Intensität und Präsenz beeindruckt. Auch Pegah Ferydoni als Polizistin und Moritz Heidelbach als undurchsichtig glatter Makler überzeugen, ebenso wie Licht, Kamera und Set-Design. Das heruntergekommene Haus und die stickige, dreckige Wohnung werden zu weiteren Hauptfiguren in einem klug durchdachten Thriller, dessen Drehbuch geschickte Plot Points setzt, um die Zuschauer immer wieder in die Irre zu führen und neue Zweifel zu streuen. Ein extrem stimmungsvolles Sound-Design und ein treibender Score unterstützen die hohe Spannung bis zum Ende. “THE LAST BERLINER” ist mutiges und packend erzähltes deutsches Genre-Kino: Von hoher gesellschaftlicher Relevanz und filmischer Klasse.”Trailer: “THE LAST BERLINER” by Gregor Erler

November 2019

Yeehaw! “THE LAST BERLINER” wins the main Prize of the 30th cinema festival of the German Film in Lünen

Many, many thanks also to the wonderful audience that voted in the sold-out cinema Cineworld for our film. What a great pleasure! For all who want to see the movie again: 20.11. 2019, Cineworld, 8pm, plus Q & A with director.

Congratulations to our director Gregor Erler!

October 2019

First Trailer von

“SANGRE” [L`Intemperie] by Juan Schnittmann, Cast: Juan Barberini, Natalia Tena, Dirk Martens, Bella Camero.


September 2019


30th Cinéfest Sudbury International Film Festival, September 14-22, 2019…&

9th Catalina Film Festival, Sept. 25-29, 2019

28th Heartland Int’l Film Festival, Oct. 10-20, 2019

7th Hardline Film Festival Regensburg 2019
27.9. um 17 Uhr im Ostentor Kino…/der-letzte-mieter-2019/

RICF 2nd Rome Independent Cinema Festival, AUG 31

2nd AFIN International Film Festival, Oct 21st – 25th

The Hague Global Cinema Festival 2019; Nov15th – 17th


Venice Production Bridge 29th of August – 3rd of September

July 2019

“KIA AND COSMOS” by Sudipto Roy will have its  German Premiere at the Indo-German Filmfestival at Babylon Cinema, – Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 30, 10178 Berlin, Germany.

On tne 16th. and 18. of July at 5:30 pm.

June 2019

We are happy to announce our Collaboration with Apple Custard Production, to Co-Produce the feature Film “EMMA AND ANGEL” by R. Arvind.

“Ex- The Movie” by George Markakis finished Shooting and is now in postproduction.

Mai 2019

Our Documentary “16 WOMEN” by Bahar Ebrahim will have its German Premier as opening Film at the Iranian Filmstival
Visoins of Iran at 30th Mai in Cologne.

April 2019

“THE LAST BERLINER” by  Gregor Erler, will start the “Genrenale” at Thursday 2nd May, 8 pm at UCI Schönhauser Allee.

Finished shooting for  “LÍntemperie/  the Cold Within” by Juan Schnitmann in Buenos Aires.

Our Documentary: “16 WOMEN”, by Bahar Ebrahim, is selected to the Iranischen Filmfestival “VISIONS OF IRAN” from 30th Mai – 2nd Juni at Filmforum/Museum Ludwig, in Köln.


March 2019

Our Feature Film: “THE LAST BERLINER” by Gregor Erler has won: “Best Feature Film at the Manchester International Filmfestival (MANIFF)(Yeehaw)

Cornelsen Films will Co-Produce the newest Featurefilm from Juan Schnitmann: “L`INTEMPERIE/ The cold within” Shooting  starts at 25th of February in Buenos Aires (AR)

With the fabulous Dirk Martens.

Thanks to Fischer&Partner Actors Agency Berlin

February 2019

“THER LAST BERLINER” by Gregor Erler will be at the Manchester Filmfestival 2nd-19th of March 2019

Cornelsen Films @ EFM Berlinale

“KIA AND COSMOS” by Sudipto Roy will be at the Glasgow Filmfestival 20th February – 3rd March 2019

on 28th Februray at 3:45pm at GFT3

December 2018

Cornelsen Films is Co-Producing “KIA AND COSMOS” by Sudipto Roy.

November 2018

We have Started Shooting : “EX the Movie” by George Markakis

September / October 2018

“The last Berliner” aka Ripchord”  has it World  Premier at the Hofer Filmtage at 24th of October

Nominated for Best Director: Gregor Erler

March 2018

Start shooting “TEENAGE WERWOLF” by Julian Richberg

February 2018

prep for Berlinale

“37” by Chris Brügge in Berlin Cinemas
Save the date
KLICK Kino:14.02.2018- 20h Start
Sputnik: 15.- 22.2.2018- 18h Start
beware! Ladenkino: 15.-22.2.2018- check programm
Klick Kino weiter ab 15.-22.2.2018 – check programm

October 2017

Premier of 37 by Chris Brügge

September 2017

Our Featurefilm “37” by Chris Brügge will have it´s Cinema release end of October.

Mai 2017

Cannes Filmfestspiele
“16 WOMEN/ 16 ZAN” Documentary by Bahar Ebrahim is now completet

Februar 2017

Berlinale EFM2017

January 2017

Shooting “Reissleine (Ripcord)” is finished, we´re now in postproduction…

October 2016

Pre-Production of our Feature Film: “Reissleine (Ripcord)” by Gregor Erler
shooting starts on 8th of Nivember

September 2016

the Trailer of “16 WOMEN/ 16ZAN” is ready and online!

August 2016

Bienale Venedig Filmfestival

May 2016

Our Dokumentary “16 WOMEN/16 ZAN” (Iran/ Teheran) by Bahar Ebrahim is now in Postproduction.

January 2015

Our Feature Film “37” by Chris Brügge will run on the “21. Filmfestival Türkei Deutschland” at “Filmlandschaften”
from 4.-13. March 2016 in Nürnberg.

November 2015

at the Cathegory: “Debutfeaturefilm” our Film “37” by Chris Brügge will run on 05.11. at 11pm at “Venus”,
and at 06.11. at “Saturn”.

Oktober: 2015

Chris Brügges “37” is running on the 37. Biberacher Filmfestspielen fom 31th of Oktober 2015

Juli 2015

Our Feature Film “37” is runnung on the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards,

Our feature Film “37” by Chris Brügge won the “best feature Film Award, at Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards. Congrats!

June 2015

Our Feature Film “37” by Chris Brügge is nominatet for Best Film, Best ensemble Cast and best Director, for the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards.

Mai 2015

“CHILDREN SHOW” by Roderic Cabrido, won the Grand Jury Prize at the South Korean Filmfestival (Yee Haw)

prep for Cannes

March 2015

our Feature “CHILDREN SHOW” has won the “Special Jury Award” @ the “Fantaspoto Filmfestival”

February 2015

Our feature Film”CHILDREN SHOW” by Roderick Cabrido and

One Big Fight Production/ Philipines is completed and ready for sale and Festivals.

prep. for EFM@ Berlinale

January 2015

“Nos Petites Morts” by Holger Badura shooting is done

December 2014

Cooperation with Chris Brügge our feature Film “37” is now completed and ready for sale.

October 2014

“Symplify Your Soul” by Markus Boestfleisch will have its Cinema Premiere on 23th October at 8:00p.m. at Babylon Cinema Berlin

August 2014

prep for the venice Filmfestival

June 2014

“India Blues” will have its North- America Premiere at the “QFest” 24th to 28th of July in Houston. selected as “international Centerpiese” premiere will be at 26th at the “Museum of fine Arts” at 8 P.M.

May 2014

Preparation for Cannes Filmfestival

Cooperation between One Big Fight Productionsd /Philipinen and Cornelsen Films
to produce; Children´s Show by Roderick Cabrido

February 2014

Preparing for Berlinale/ EFM

January 2014

We are happy to announce, “Indiea Blues” will have its nationale Premiere in Israel, Tel Aviv, 7th February ,5:45h at Cinamatheque, Theater 5

October 2013

We are happy to announce the official participation of “INDIA BLUES” at the upcoming Cork Film Festival runs 9-17 November 2013 screening:Monday 11 November 2013,12:30pm

September 2013

“India Blues” by George Markakis will have its Premiere at The Athens International Filmfestival on 24th of September, 22:15-DANAOS 2

August 2013

“Berlin Dance Battle 3D” will have ist DVD and Blueray release on 14th October 2013

Preparation for the Venice Filmfestival 29th August – 2nd September

“India Bues” is officialy selected for The Athens Filmfestival

Mai 2013

European Producer Club is celebrating ist 20th Anniversary – congratulations!

“India Blues” will have its official screening in Cannes on May 5:30 p.m. Palias H

March 2013

“India Blues” worldsales: House of Film / US “Berlin Dance Battle 3D” worldsales: 3D- contenhub

Berlin Dance Battle 3D @ EFM Berlinale 2013

EFM @ Berlinale 2013

“The Hollywood Reporter” EFM Industry Debate „After the Hype – the Future of 3D” Feb. 8 / 4.30pm at the Spiegelzelt.
Participants: Erwin M. Schmidt (producer at Neue Road Movies, Germany)

Ben Stassen (director, producer and 3D pioneer, Belgium),

Sophokles Tasioulis (head of cinema, Red Bull Media, Austria)

Bob Mayson (managing director, RealD Europa, UK)

Christopher Cornelsen ( independent 3D producer Cornelsen Films)

The event is chaired by The Hollywood Reporter / Journalist Scott Roxborough.

December 2012

“Berlin Dance Battle 3D” featurefilm 101 min. by Robert Franke is completed and will have ist screening @EFM Berlinale.

“India Blues” featurefilm by 96 min. by George Markakis is completed, and will have ist screening @ EFM@ Berlinale.

August 2012

“India Blues” featurefilm by von George Markakis is in postproduction

April 2012

Cornelsen Films become member by the European Producers Club (EPC)

Januar 2012

Berlin Dance Battle 3D, by Robert Franke

The first German- – Film in nativ 3D (stereoskopic) is in Postproduction, release October 2013